Friday, December 18, 2009

There are as many dimensions as there are gods;- WHO ARE FRIENDLY WITH EACH OTHER, they all appreciate each others names! There are over 6 billion people on the planet, we are about to witnesses the emergence of lots of new dimensions as the network of friendship grows in the minds of all the peoples of the world, and when they all commune with each other, we will be so beautiful, and true, and free...

The book of life is a list of everyone's name who are friendly with one another, to be a true friend, you must know your own unique name and what makes you special, and have the capacity to communicate it with others. We must all learn all the languages.. have faith we can do it! Have faith my sons and daughters, my mother and father, my brothers and sisters, and finally.. my friends.

The Greeks were much closer than us with their poly theism!

A word on Trascendance

Our true purpose is to use all our perceptions to generate a technology that allows the mind to stay fully conscious of the current things we are conscious of, and augment it in such a way to be conscious of a new dimension. Science is the latest holy tool, and we can only achieve more if we commune with all the consciousness the cosmos has to offer. That is why we dream of meeting aliens, they are meant to be our friends! That is what God tried to create, an alien, that is the core of creation. Perhaps faith is belief one is not God, it is the conscious denial of the divine self... faith itself must be overcome, as must all the virtues, in order for us to increase the number of virtues, after we allow the old virtues to truly be free in our minds we must find which one becomes most appealing to us (but never forget the rest), try find one no-one else has, make it unique, and then make it your own unique name, and then try and explain your name to others, this is how our language will grow;- we must rejoice and rejuvenate the old by adding something new to share in friendship... Trust that friendship is real, trust that you will care for your friend's truths! this is the ebb and tide of God's unfolding plan, which we must have faith in, faith in the body, and faith that it can always be more beautiful! Love friendship, worship what you find beauty in, just never worship your own consciousness, or it will cease to develop! this is the current mantra one must be conscious of, let us achieve greater consciousness by the each giving our own interpretation to the tenants and after we truly fully understand then our own truths, we will see what pops into our minds next so we can have fun sharing it with God! Please share your idea's of what you find beautiful, what is your favorite color, what do you find most beauty in!?

This is what is the most important thing to have faith in: The system is more than the sum of its parts. It is supremely beautiful, and beauty will always mean more as time goes on, or we wouldn't perceive time! This is not a justification to uphold ugliness, it only becomes truly beautiful if its friendly to your current being. Friendship is the truest refinement process! Friends are your true family...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The nature of beauty and technology

Technology must be subordinated by consciousness (as technology is always a lifeless tool);- as we sublimate more and more technology into our consciousness we grow more beautiful because our perception of truth is deeper, first we are free to invent new technology then the technology gets sublimated as and when it truly appeals to the soul (which can only happen to those who achieve soul consciousness), we must never try subordinate the soul to technology, thats what happened with the book. Lets not repeat the same mistake again, lets keep apprehension of the soul where it should be, in the living consciousness, and keep science in its proper place (as a tool its useful, and we should engage in an appealing form of play with it). We can try and distill truth, but this is the field of play, truth is something that can only exist in relation to the soul, there is no such thing as an abstract truth, just an unconscious one, God is complete inside every one of us, and we are growing to see it more and more! So play (when engaged with beautifully) can lead to the discovery of more truth! Because play is part of the revealing process... everything is part of the beautiful process, the sun, the moon, the stars, every particle of matter!

Why I believe I wont write a book!

Have you heard, "the medium is message?" The media of "the book" will in the end always defeat any true beauty;- the meaning will erode as time goes by as the beauty captured becomes less apparent to the peoples of the future. Because beauty is a process, it is impossible to distill it, and when one does, it becomes inanimate and will lose appeal as the the process of beauty continues and leaves the distilled and old image of beauty behind (old in a pejorative sense, ie a form that embodies the concept of the degeneration of beauty, therefore it means less and less to us, because its becoming less and less beautiful).

Books offer new technological perspectives, my perspective transcends technology, and offers us insight into why we go looking for technology in the first place.
People have difficulty reading my work because the substance of what i say is beyond words, it only has personal meaning, in that it beckons for a greater consciousness to emerge within the self.. God never commanded us to "know thyself", because thats the deeper drive we all already possess, this is the shard of god that is inside us all (or as the Christians put it, the holy spirit- we just need to be conscious of it), if you need to hear it spoken in technological terms, my book would be called: The process that is beautiful. But if we TRY record this in a book and not into our very consciousness, we have defeated the very point of our own lives and the book will slowly lose all its meaning. I think Christianity lost itself when it stopped being a fluid thing in the minds of people, and was translated (although honestly) into a dogmatic instrument that was imposed on people before people could relate to it, thats how it became ugly. Technology can't understand the soul, only the soul's asthetic can do that. I'm too different for a book and maybe I see more of the way of the future;- look at the nature of a blog, it evolves! therefore I believe its a more beautiful tool;- it allows for feedback and then follow up, therefore is a better aid for real education. True teaching is not instruction, its real growth (of the aesthetic sensibility, or the sum of perception), better still would be entertainment that embodies my message perhaps, or rather a message that appeals to the all the elements that make up our sense of aesthetic (eg. every ness-word in the most pleasing degree (that is, pleasing to the aesthetic sense itself).

Yes I know that makes it axiomatic. Did you think the ultimate truth could accord to anything other than what its made up of, luckily my sense of truth is made up of a bit of everything...

I might not be right, maybe there are better arguments for a book, but it is often said "If you want to make people take you seriously, you need a book"... the point is, I don't want to make people do anything they don't already want to do! I just believe when they reject my new idea's, its because they are repressing a part of themselves, but if they experience enough, if they get to taste enough of what I say, there is hope they will come around;- consciousness is always refining itself, and it will reject perceived constraints, so its important my ideas do not come across as a constraint, people must understand the dynamic involved is a divine one, this is what leads me to invoke faith.

Technology can never contain the soul, thats the real truth we can learn from books, which is instantiated in the history of Christianity with that dead thing called the bible that means nothing more to us now than loose symbols.

I would like to thank a friend of mine for inspiring me to write this piece in response to his concerns, because it has allowed me to tease more of my insight out... I need communication such as I had with him in order to make my own thoughts clearer (well they are pretty clear to me, but it helps me make it clearer to others...)!

Please engage with me!


Conflict can be resolved without recourse to law, it can be resolved with recourse to a sharing of true understanding or a true compromise of understanding (where the truth is found by both disputants to be somewhere between their original positions, or a third new place offered to them by a conciliator or their own free inventive spirits;- but their position must be a honestly held one or it is a slight to both parties. So,(unless the disagreement is merely a factual one*);- this is the most important thing to remember, law is an imposition (and therefore a constraint), so it must be used sparingly and as little as possible... This must be determined pragmatically, I would suggest the following set up, but there could be better ones:

Mediators are the first and most basic legal entities. They must percieve which channel of communication is blocked and try to dislodge the blockage so to allow for the communication of truth between the parties. Mediation does not impose understanding, it allows parties to reach a common understanding.

Conciliators are the next level, their task is to suggest forms of a common understanding accepted by both parties.

Arbiters (or judges), impose beauty, because at least one of the disputants is very unconsciouses and cannot curb their own ugliness, their judgments must be scrutinized by the media so the public can understand the judgement.

*If possible and at every stage a litigant should try and commit themselves to principles which would operate for and against them...

I have not thought about criminal law yet...

ok sorry its getting vague even for me, I don't like making a science out of "conflict" because it needs to be organic, or we won't grow... its wrong to impose a static process, one must arrive at a pragmatic process that has inside of it the seeds for its own demise (so that it can be displaced by something better, or because it should be diminished as it is no longer good for people to rely on it)

Politics explored

Its important to understand the human condition, strike that, the human soul;- Before one can create any constitution for a state. One has to know what one should not trample upon. Politics should therefore be confined to mediating conflicting manifestations of what people hold freedom to be. This can only be done through appraisal and judgement, and this sadly must come from an instantiated source or it will not come at all. I submit here we should not be ruled by the mob, but by the prime philosophers (.elect)(the trick is how do we decide upon who that is). I believe the most pragmatic solution to this question is we should elect our judges for their perceived excellence in the field justice (which is the path to perfect freedom).

I think that is the correct form the state should take for the judiciary, the state of the other 2 branches is explored below.

Another aim of politics should be to ensure society has access to greater development and isn't being stunted by ugly forces that have no way of being combated and overcome by the private sector*, this can only be done after considering ones resources and how manage them intelligently (or most beautifully). We need people to to make these qualitative assessments on behalf of the group. One should not be obstructed in their perceived development by anything other than a more beautiful perceived development, one needs a special arbiter to assess these claims and tell us which concern should trump the other... as I said above, people who care to vote, should vote for the philosophers they believe have the brightest asthetical valuation (or to put it simply, who they have the most confidence in). I wish I could give more votes to those who have greater consciousness, and maybe there will be a beautiful way of discerning this (*but i fear that might lead to a hegemony, hegemony is the path to becoming constrained and the antithesis of freedom, therefore to avoid it entirely one will have to employ one person one vote as a bedrock)

We must be pragmatic, we do need some kind of process from which to elect our philosophers. Now the philosophers must rule the legislature, and will do so as long as they can maintain the confidence of the masses, but their ideas must not be confused with the state's operation (or the implementation of the ideas). They may choose to endorse those they think are most fit to implement their ideas, but they do so at risking the people's confidence in them, but they should be free to make these associations if they choose to... And so, the executive should be run by pragmatic experts, who should be allowed to complain to the people that they receive inconsistent rules from the philosophers to follow... Then the people will vote for better implementors, or they will vote for better philosophers, in any case, the people will be responsible for their governance which seeks to curb the ugly excesses the group may manifest. This is compatible with some conceptions of social democracy and communism.

In my set up it is plausible the judiciary and the legislature can be out of step with one another, if this happens, it is the media's job to explore and help the people assess and discern the choices offered by the apparent gap. In this way, the media is an important organ of the state, Journalism will probably be my next topic I will seek to address.

This is the most beautiful set up I can currently imagine for the state, do you have a better one? please share it.

My system looks very similar in some respects to the existing system, but I do believe once consciousness spreads, it will be easier to build consensus than one might currently imagine. And the things we will have real conflict over, wont generate violence and vulgar forms of conflict, but will be socially acceptable forms of disagreement which will be decided upon in a contest of ideas hosted by the generational tide that cleanses the shore (in my analogy, this is the species) of the remnants of the ugly and non-viable (it wasn't able to flourish and spread to many people).

There should be as many seats in the senate (which is just a legislative branch) as there are people that are voted for, but each seat should have as many votes as the number that voted for them, this weighting can be transfered from one senator to another, ie. I can lend my votes out (anyone who does this for other than asthetic reasons should be censured by the public, the media must ensure to inform of this, and senators should have completely open lives! (the price of public office)). If possible the senate should rule after consensus is reached, it should be a perceived political aspiration for the political body to be unified, because when consensus is sought, we can then be certain that all valid perspectives inform the action, which will make the political action more beautiful. A perspective should only be dismissed if it can be judged by those more learned as stunted and ugly misunderstanding, the point of politics is to qualify this assessment of what is ugly to the people, so that they grow in their understanding, in this way politics is an engine of development of consciousness- which can only be achieved as power is substantiated and understood.

When enough people achieve the right level of consciousness, there will be no need for a government, people will be able to communicate the truth without infringing each others freedom (this includes the freedom from fear and one day death!)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A theory of personal identity

we are a collection of perceptions, plus a divine function that allows for the invention of new true perceptions, but this divine invention utilizes the pre-existing perceptions to get there, so we are a dynamic of engagement between divinity and instantiation. We can't know (in the scientific sense) perceptions are true, but they must be real because we perceive them, and its also reasonable to have faith in this. If they were not real they aren't even really perceptions, but are just in fact a form of specious-ism and wouldn't yield any sort of consciousness, but we know consciousness is real, because we experience it directly!

Please watch the movie revolver, it will help you see and reject your false sense of self and make room for my paradigm, the view that the self is the process of new perception discovery, which includes an engagement with past discovery (which is no longer discovery actually, but in fact just the bundle of perceptions).

In this way every element (or every perception that makes up our aesthetic valuation which HELPS generate discovery) is intrinsically linked to our identity, which is constantly being refined as we become more conscious.

We are freedom plus an ever expanding framework, that is the true nature of the human entity. We must expand the beauty of the framework, so we can expand our further perception of beauty. Thus what i describe is one process, that is axiomatic and links all these 3 things: the way (or path), the goal (or motive/animating force), and the form (the component of us that is instantiated).